Assessments and Surveys

State tests to arrive at Central

INDEPENDENCE/MONMOUTH – In April and May, Central School District 13J students in grades k-12 will join students across the state in the annual state testing this winter/spring.

Students in grades 3-8 and 11 will be tested in language arts and math. Students in 5th, 8th, and 11th grades will be tested in science. Scores are released in the fall, generally around the end of September.

The state tests are designed to measure the systems in place that support the learning and growth of each of our students collectively across the district and at each school building. Our goal is high achievement as measured by the state test, and we continue to stay focused on the day-to-day growth of each individual student academically, behaviorally, and social-emotionally.  State tests do not affect students' grades or performance in class. The Oregon Department of Education emphasizes that these tests evaluate systems, not students. The state is required to report student participation and performance to the U.S. Department of Education as part of the federal educational accountability system.

State tests serve as an important data point for the district. Administration, staff, and district leaders use the information about achievement and growth provided by these tests to work together to improve the success for all students each and every day throughout each school year. We know increased student growth leads to higher achievement, which is a great asset for our growing community, where our students, families, community partners, and businesses thrive. The Independence/Monmouth community is a great place to learn, grow, work, live, and lead. 

Several Central School District Strategic Plan Performance Goals 2023-25 are based on information gathered from the state testing in Spring 2022. This year's test results will be published on the district data pages when they are released in fall 2023. 

While families can choose to opt-out of state tests using this form (also found on the district's website,, we encourage all students to take the state tests. These assessments measure achievement. More importantly, they tell us where our students are showing growth in these core areas of language arts and math.

The state tests are not the only tool the district uses to measure student growth. Staff at all levels, K-12, have tools to help understand where students are in their learning, and what interventions to include where needed.

Pruebas del estado estar por llegar al Distrito Central

INDEPENDENCE/MONMOUTH – En los próximos meses, los estudiantes del Distrito Escolar Central 13J en los grados k-12 se unirán a los estudiantes de todo el estado en las pruebas estatales anuales este invierno/primavera.

Los estudiantes en los grados 3-8 y 11 serán evaluados en artes del lenguaje y matemáticas. Los estudiantes de los grados 5, 8 y 11 serán examinados en ciencias. Las partituras se publican en el otoño, generalmente a finales de septiembre.

Las pruebas estatales están diseñadas para medir los sistemas existentes que apoyan el aprendizaje y el crecimiento de cada uno de nuestros estudiantes en forma colectiva en todo el distrito y en cada edificio escolar. Nuestro objetivo es un alto rendimiento según lo medido por la prueba estatal, y continuamos enfocados en el crecimiento diario de cada estudiante en lo académico, conductual y socioemocional. Las pruebas estatales no afectan las calificaciones de los estudiantes ni su rendimiento en clase. El Departamento de Educación de Oregón enfatiza que estas pruebas evalúan sistemas, no estudiantes. El estado debe informar la participación y el desempeño de los estudiantes al Departamento de Educación de los EE. UU. como parte del sistema federal de responsabilidad educativa.

Las pruebas estatales sirven como un punto de datos importante para el distrito. La administración, el personal y los líderes del distrito utilizan la información sobre el rendimiento y el crecimiento proporcionada por estas pruebas para trabajar juntos para mejorar el éxito de todos los estudiantes todos los días durante el año escolar. Sabemos que un mayor crecimiento de los estudiantes conduce a un mayor rendimiento, lo cual es un gran activo para nuestra comunidad en crecimiento, donde prosperan nuestros estudiantes, familias, socios comunitarios y negocios. La comunidad de Independence/Monmouth es un excelente lugar para aprender, crecer, trabajar, vivir y liderar.

Varias metas de rendimiento del plan estratégico del distrito escolar central 2023-2025 se basan en la información recopilada de las pruebas estatales en la primavera de 2022. Los resultados de las pruebas de este año se publicarán en las páginas de datos del distrito cuando se publiquen en el otoño de 2023.

Si bien las familias pueden optar por no participar en las pruebas estatales usando esta forma (también se encuentra en el sitio web del distrito,, alentamos a todos los estudiantes a tomar las pruebas estatales. Estas evaluaciones miden el logro. Más importante aún, nos dicen dónde están mostrando crecimiento nuestros estudiantes en estas áreas básicas de artes del lenguaje y matemáticas.

Las pruebas estatales no son la única herramienta que usa el distrito para medir el crecimiento de los estudiantes. El personal en todos los niveles, K-12, tiene herramientas para ayudar a comprender dónde se encuentran los estudiantes en su aprendizaje y qué intervenciones incluir cuando sea necesario.

Goals and Benchmarks | Metas y puntos de referencia

2022-23 Reports

Central School District At-A-Glance Report 2022-23 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Central SD 13J 2022-23

Ash Creek Elementary School At-A-Glance Report 2022-23 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Ash Creek Elementary School 2022-23

Independence Elementary School At-A-Glance Report 2022-23 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Independence Elementary School 2022-23

Monmouth Elementary School  At-A-Glance Report 2022-23 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Monmouth Elementary School 2022-23

Talmadge Middle School At-A-Glance Report 2022-23 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Talmadge Middle School 2022-23

Central High School At-A-Glance Report 2022-23 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Central High School 2022-23

Division 22 

2022-23 School Year Report on Compliance | Division 22 Board Report

ESSA Accountability Details Reports 2022-23

Central School District
Ash Creek Elementary School
Independence Elementary School
Monmouth Elementary School
Talmadge Middle School
Central High School

2021-22 Reports

Central School District At-A-Glance Report 2021-22 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Central SD 13J 2021-22

Ash Creek Elementary School At-A-Glance Report 2021-22 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Ash Creek Elementary School 2021-22

Independence Elementary School At-A-Glance Report 2021-22 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Independence Elementary School 2021-22

Monmouth Elementary School  At-A-Glance Report 2021-22 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Monmouth Elementary School 2021-22

Talmadge Middle School At-A-Glance Report 2021-22 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Talmadge Middle School 2021-22

Central High School At-A-Glance Report 2021-22 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Central High School 2021-22

Division 22 

2021-22 School Year Report on Compliance

2020-21 Reports

Central School District At-A-Glance Report 2020-21 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Central SD 13J 2020-21

Ash Creek Elementary School At-A-Glance Report 2020-21 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Ash Creek Elementary School 2020-21

Independence Elementary School At-A-Glance Report 2020-21 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Independence Elementary School 2020-21

Monmouth Elementary School  At-A-Glance Report 2020-21 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Monmouth Elementary School 2020-21

Talmadge Middle School At-A-Glance Report 2020-21 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Talmadge Middle School 2020-21

Central High School At-A-Glance Report 2020-21 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Central High School 2020-21

Division 22 2020-21 Reports

Division 22 Report on Compliance with Public School Standards

SIA Reports

Central School District 13J Student Investment Account (SIA) Initial Plan - 2019-21 Biennium 

Central School District 13J Student Investment Account (SIA) Updated Plan - 2021-23 Biennium 

Student Health Survey

Our school is participating in the Student Health Survey, which is sponsored by the Oregon Health Authority Public Health Division and the Oregon Department of Education. The survey will gather information about health risk behaviors of students in grades 6, 8 and 11. The survey will be conducted online either in the classroom or remotely, and includes questions about:

Completing the Student Health Survey poses minimal risk to your child, who may feel embarrassed or uncomfortable answering some of the questions. Survey procedures have been designed to protect your child's privacy and allow for anonymous participation. If your child is not comfortable answering a question, they can leave it blank. While we encourage all students to participate, the decision to participate is voluntary.

You may opt to send a refusal for your child's participation. Alternatively, your child will have the opportunity to refuse at the time of the survey. There will be no action against you or your child if your child does not participate.

More information about the Student Health Survey for 2023-24 will be shared as we receive it.

SEEDS Survey information 2023-24

The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) is conducting a survey to find out more about student experiences in Oregon schools. Our district has decided to participate. 

The survey is called the SEED Survey (the Student Educational Equity Development Survey). This survey will ask students about what kinds of activities they did in school this year, what supplies they had to help with schoolwork, and how they felt about school and learning this year. The information gathered in this survey will be used by ODE and districts to better support student learning and help improve schools and education in Oregon.

This survey will help us gather true student voices of what took place this year.

Participation in the SEED Survey is optional. You may decline participation of your child for any reason. Students also have the ability to skip questions within the survey if they do not want to or cannot respond for any reason.

Practice versions of the survey can be found here: Grades 3-5 practice form, Grades 6+ practice form. You can find full versions of all the surveys on the ODE SEED Survey page.

You may opt out of this survey by filling out one of these forms: SEED Notice and participation (English) or Aviso anual sobre la Encuesta del Desarrollo de Equidad Educativa de los Estudiantes (SEED).