The Condition of our Schools
In 2022, The Central School District Board of Directors contracted with BRIC Architects to complete a facilities assessment and long-range facilities plan. the plan identified emerging issues with the condition of several schools, in particular, our two oldest buildings: Monmouth Elementary and Independence Elementary. A variety of safety and security improvements at every school are needed to improve access.
The Board of Directors, with the help of Funk/Levis & Associates, narrowed down the projects identified in the Long Range Facilities Plan to these priority projects:
Remodeling/rebuilding Monmouth Elementary
Make sure there is adequate space for all students to learn
Expand Career-Technical education programs to middle school
Accessible playgrounds and outdoor education spaces
Athletic Facilities
Safety in All Schools
CSD Facilities Overview
Dr. Jennifer Kubista reviews the facilities challenges in the district.
Independence Elementary
Facilities Director Brian Weatherly shows the facilities challenges at Independence Elementary.
Monmouth Elementary
Facilities Director Brian Weatherly shows the facilities challenges at Monmouth Elementary.
History of Long-Range Facilities Plan
The Long-Range Facilities Plan, or Facilities Master Plan, summarizes the District's facilities needs over the next 10+ years. It aligns facilities needs with the District's educational vision and projected enrollment. The plan is required under ORS 195.110 and OAR 581.027.0040. The last Facilities Master Plan was done in 2012.
In November of 2020, the board authorized the staff to review proposals and award a facilities assessment grant, to be completed as soon as possible, with further review of the Long Range Facilities Planning process after that report is complete. In December 2020, Soderstrom Architects was announced as the chosen firm to conduct the assessment. Work had already begun by the board's Dec. 7, 2020, meeting. The assessment includes physical envelope, structures, mechanical systems, air quality, layout, and educational adequacy. The board reviewed the Facilities Assessment Report at its May 3, 2021, regular board meeting.
Click to download a PDF of the Long Range Facilities Plan for 2022-2032 Please know it is a large document. Email to request a printed copy.
From assessment to Long-Range Facilities Plan
At the June 7, 2021, board meeting, the board approved awarding the contract for the Long-Range Facilities Planning Project to BRIC | Architecture. On February 7, 2022, BRIC representative Karina Ruiz presented the plan and process for developing the Long-Range Facilities Plan (LRFP). View a PDF of the slides used here.
Ms. Ruiz outlined the plan for stakeholder engagement, which included:
Co-create a thoughtful, customized approach to engage diverse stakeholders in a meaningful and collaborative process.
Use community dialogue sessions as a means of identifying and recruiting Long-Range Facilities Planning Committee members.
Build a genuine sense of community around a shared vision for Central School District schools.
Long-Range Facilities Plan Steering Committee
The Steering Committee began meeting just before 2022, and continued in early 2022. The committee members were: Board Chair Steve Love, Director of Finance and Operations Cec Koontz, Facilities Services Manager Brian Weatherly, Superintendent Jennifer Kubista, Communications Coordinator Emily Mentzer, BRIC Architecture Planner and Senior Associate Karina Warner, and BRIC Architecture Principal Karina Ruiz.
Long-Range Facilities Planning Committee
The Planning Committee was a larger group than the Steering Committee. Members included (in addition to the members of the Steering Committee): Mindy Hutchinson, Salem Health: Andrea Van Heeswyk, YMCA; Mark Girod, Western Oregon University; Ben Bobeda, The Gate Youth Center; Jeremy Gordon, County Commissioner; Marty Wine, Monmouth City Manager; Kenna West, Independence City Manager; Isabel Dryden, parent; Janica Duncan, parent; Monica Rodriquez, parent; Liz Manzo, parent; Shannon Ball, parent; Keith Nye, parent; Donn Wahl, CSD 13J Board Chair; Byron Shinkle, CSD 13J Board Vice Chair; Perry LaBounty, Talmadge Middle School Principal; Kim Seidel, Monmouth Elementary School Principal; Nicole Smith, Independence Elementary School Principal; Jenneca Crocker, Ash Creek Elementary School Principal; "Mac" McConaghy, Central High School Principal; Cindy Mathis, classified staff.
Not all members could attend all of the meetings, but all were invited to participate through these meetings to review the data BRIC collected about the District's facilities and needs. It was part of the committee's job to prioritize the projects into order of importance.
LFRP Committee Meeting Minutes, September 29 (This meeting was in person, so is not available on YouTube.)
LRFP Committee Meeting Minutes, October 6 (This meeting was in person, so is not available on YouTube.)
Facilities Master Plan
The old Facilities Master Plan (2012) was updated with the new one after the board reviewed the final plan presented by BRIC Architecture.