Human Resources

Job Openings for Central School District are updated on a real-time basis. Check back often for the most current job opportunities for the District. While visiting the site, you can sign up for weekly Job Alerts which are e-mailed each Sunday.

Are you looking for part time, intermittent work? Central has a number of positions that require substitutes when employees are absent including classroom teachers and assistants, food service and office work. We contract with EduStaff  for most substitute positions. Click on this Substitute Services link to get started. Any questions, give them a call at 1-877-974-6338.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) 

The Uprise Health App will allow you to take Wellbeing Checks, build skills personally and professionally related to wellbeing through courses and exercises, and work with health coaches to set and achieve health and wellbeing goals.
Other Services:

Access the portal below by clicking on the link and using the access code (that was sent out to staff)
Uprise Health Portal:
(If you need the access code resent please contact:

Student Teaching Opportunities

Student teachers are an important part of Central School District. Student teacher placement and field experiences are a result of formal agreements between CSD and individual Universities. Before a student teacher/intern may be placed in one of our District's schools, a formal agreement with the University must be on file in the CSD Central Office. We currently work with Western Oregon University, Oregon State University and Willamette University.
If you are a University and would like to request a contract agreement, please send an email to
If you are conducting an observation of a Student Teacher, please contact the school to make the appropriate arrangements for the best timing and proper check-in procedures