Safety and Security

Reporting a threat

One of the greatest barriers to maintaining school safety is the "code of silence." This is often followed by students, and even adults, who believe that it is wrong or improper to tell on others who are involved in or considering potentially harmful actions.

We encourage all students, parents, and the community to report any information about a situation that may be potentially violent or seriously harmful to a person. While there are many kinds of potentially violent or harmful situations, the following are examples:

In the Central School District, safety and security of students, staff and community members while on school property is the first and most critical element in providing a positive and meaningful school experience. The district emergency response and communication procedures are in place at each of our facilities to keep students and staff safe every day and in the event of an emergency situation. Please take a moment to review the information below, outlining an important protocol for our parents and community members to know.

If you have concerns about youth or adults who may be considering any action that could result in serious harm to themselves or others, please report the information to the police, a school staff member, or through tip line.

If you perceive the risk as imminent, call 9-1-1.

The Safety & Risk Management Team makes a strong effort to maintain a safe and secure conducive environment to allow educational, professional, and personal growth for all members of the school district and community where diverse social, cultural, and academic values are allowed to prosper. The safety of visitors, as well as preserving personal and school property from damage or loss, are all part of the mission of the Safety & Risk Management Team. 

The SRMT provides knowledge and services in the areas of self-awareness and protection, workplace safety, environmental health, crisis management, investigations, traffic control, integrated security systems and risk management (injury and insurance losses).

Central School District is dedicated to a strong and collaborative relationship with local, state, and national law enforcement and other emergency service agencies to prevent, protect, and maintain safety of district students, staff, and visitors. The district collaborates with law enforcement regularly, whether to investigate concerns for safety within schools or the community, support on behavioral threat assessments, community awareness initiatives, and more.

ParentSquare and StudentSquare

As a district, all school, programs, clubs and other school-related activities use ParentSquare to safely and effectively communicate with families and students. All communication between staff, students, and families should always occur within the platform.

ParentSquare is used in an emergency situations and all families are notified through the system through email, text, phone, and push notifications as set in default settings. In the event of a school emergency, such as a lockdown or school evacuation, staff and, if appropriate, students, will receive updates quickly through ParentSquare. Information for families about the incident and details to support the safety and well-being of their child will always be shared as soon as possible.

Flash Alert

In the case of a significant school emergency or school closure, the district will use a system called FlashAlert to notify local media quickly about key information to share with the public. 


Central School District is an active member of SafeOregon, which gives students, parents, schools, and community members a confidential way to report safety threats or potential acts of violence. Managed by the Oregon State Police, this program has proven to prevent acts of violence. We encourage you to download SafeOregon's mobile app on your and your student's phone as well. You can also call or text 844-472-3367 anytime.