About Us

We are Central School District |
Somos el Distrito Escolar Central 

We are made up of a dedicated community working collaboratively together to support students academically, socially and emotionally, with the skills and character to achieve and be successful. We are committed to open, honest and ongoing communication with our entire community, including students, staff, families, and other community partners. Whole children and whole educators help to build a whole community.

Estamos formados por una comunidad dedicada que trabaja en colaboración para apoyar a los estudiantes académica, social y emocionalmente, con las habilidades y el carácter para lograr y tener éxito.  a nivel académico, social y emocional con las habilidades y el carácter para lograr y tener éxito. Estamos comprometidos con la comunicación abierta, honesta y continua con toda nuestra comunidad, incluidos los estudiantes, el personal, las familias y otros miembros de la comunidad. Los niños y los educadores integrales ayudan a construir una comunidad completa.

Central School District is located in the heart of the Willamette Valley, serving the communities of Monmouth, Independence and other rural areas. Our mission is to prepare students for the future by understanding and developing their potential to the highest possible academic and ethical standards.

El Distrito Escolar Central está ubicado en el corazón del Valle de Willamette, sirviendo a las comunidades de Monmouth, Independence y otras áreas rurales. Nuestra misión es preparar a los estudiantes para el futuro mediante la comprensión y el desarrollo de su potencial con los más altos estándares académicos y éticos posibles.

We believe schools are for everyone, that students perform their best when they feel accepted and valued and that students can achieve when given appropriate support.  Our diverse population of students is a reflection of our community.  We seek enhanced learning through active partnerships with students, parents and community members.

Creemos que las escuelas son para todos, que los estudiantes se desempeñan mejor cuando se sienten aceptados y valorados y que los estudiantes pueden lograr cuando se les brinda el apoyo adecuado. Nuestra diversa población de estudiantes es un reflejo de nuestra comunidad. Buscamos un aprendizaje mejorado a través de asociaciones activas con estudiantes, padres y miembros de la comunidad.

At-A-Glance shows attendance is up across the district

Regular attendance is important for student success, and missed days can add up quickly. Central School District celebrates every time regular attendance improves. 

Last year, Central School District's regular attenders were up 5 percent over the previous year, according to the Oregon Department of Education's annual At-A-Glance reports, released today, November 21. Attendance went from 58 percent to 63 percent of students attending regularly – 90 percent or more of the time. 

The board and district goal is 85 percent, so work remains to help students get to class each day. 

Read the full story here.

2023-24 At-A-Glance state reports and accountability details

CSD13j strategic goals | Metas estratégicas de CSD13j

Student Growth & Achievement

Every student is engaged, supported, challenged, and prepared, as a whole child, with the skills and character to achieve and be successful in school, career, college and community. 

Crecimiento y logro estudiantil 

Cada estudiante participa, apoya, desafía y prepara, como un niño integró, con las habilidades y el carácter para lograr y tener éxito en la escuela, su carrera, la universidad y la comunidad. 

Family Involvement

Central School District 13J fosters a relationship where every family is actively involved in their child’s education and feels welcome, supported, safe and valued.  

Participación familiar

El Distrito Escolar Central 13J fomenta una relación en la que cada familia participa activamente en la educación de sus hijos y se siente bienvenida, apoyada, segura y valorada.

Community Partnership

Partners engage in collaboration with Central School District 13J to cultivate student success for a safe, healthy, prosperous, and inclusive community.

Asociación comunitaria

Partners enganchan en colaboración con la Escuela Central del Distrito 13J para cultivar el éxito del estudiante por una caja fuerte, comunidad saludable, próspero e inclusivo.

Staff  Leadership & Continuous Improvement

Staff engage in student-centered decision making, problem-solving, professional development, focused on continuous improvement and growth, where shared purpose, teamwork, respect and trust drive decisions. 

Liderazgo del personal  y mejora continua

Los socios se involucran en la toma de decisiones centrada en el estudiante, resolución de problemas, donde el desarrollo profesional, se centra en continua mejora y crecimiento, donde el propósito compartido, el trabajo en equipo, el respeto y la confianza impulsan las decisiones.

Goals and Benchmarks | Metas y puntos de referencia

2022-23 Reports

Central School District At-A-Glance Report 2022-23 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Central SD 13J 2022-23

Ash Creek Elementary School At-A-Glance Report 2022-23 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Ash Creek Elementary School 2022-23

Independence Elementary School At-A-Glance Report 2022-23 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Independence Elementary School 2022-23

Monmouth Elementary School  At-A-Glance Report 2022-23 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Monmouth Elementary School 2022-23

Talmadge Middle School At-A-Glance Report 2022-23 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Talmadge Middle School 2022-23

Central High School At-A-Glance Report 2022-23 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Central High School 2022-23

Division 22 

2022-23 School Year Report on Compliance | Division 22 Board Report

ESSA Accountability Details Reports 2022-23

Central School District
Ash Creek Elementary School
Independence Elementary School
Monmouth Elementary School
Talmadge Middle School
Central High School

2021-22 Reports

Central School District At-A-Glance Report 2021-22 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Central SD 13J 2021-22

Ash Creek Elementary School At-A-Glance Report 2021-22 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Ash Creek Elementary School 2021-22

Independence Elementary School At-A-Glance Report 2021-22 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Independence Elementary School 2021-22

Monmouth Elementary School  At-A-Glance Report 2021-22 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Monmouth Elementary School 2021-22

Talmadge Middle School At-A-Glance Report 2021-22 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Talmadge Middle School 2021-22

Central High School At-A-Glance Report 2021-22 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Central High School 2021-22

Division 22 

2021-22 School Year Report on Compliance

2020-21 Reports

Central School District At-A-Glance Report 2020-21 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Central SD 13J 2020-21

Ash Creek Elementary School At-A-Glance Report 2020-21 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Ash Creek Elementary School 2020-21

Independence Elementary School At-A-Glance Report 2020-21 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Independence Elementary School 2020-21

Monmouth Elementary School  At-A-Glance Report 2020-21 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Monmouth Elementary School 2020-21

Talmadge Middle School At-A-Glance Report 2020-21 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Talmadge Middle School 2020-21

Central High School At-A-Glance Report 2020-21 | Perfil de la escuela de Oregón Central High School 2020-21

Division 22 2020-21 Reports

Division 22 Report on Compliance with Public School Standards

SIA Reports

Central School District 13J Student Investment Account (SIA) Initial Plan - 2019-21 Biennium 

Central School District 13J Student Investment Account (SIA) Updated Plan - 2021-23 Biennium