Central School District 13j

Change to Falcon Loop


Starting September 3, 2024, the Falcon Loop bus stop will no longer be at the mailboxes.  The stop will be at the entrance of the driveway to the Richmond Square apartments on 13th Street.  The transportation department made the decision because of the increased vehicular congestion at Falcon Loop, which jeopardizes the safety of our students and vehicles.  

Thank you.


A partir del 3 de septiembre de 2024, la parada de autobús de Falcon Loop ya no estará en los buzones. La parada estará en la entrada de la carretera de acceso a los apartamentos Richmond Square en la calle 13. El departamento de transporte tomó esta decisión debido al aumento de la congestión vehicular en Falcon Loop, lo que pone en peligro la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y vehículos. Gracias.

Central School District 13J Mission Statement | Misión

Building an inclusive culture of belonging and learning for the success of the whole child, whole educator, and whole community.  | Construir una cultura inclusiva de pertenencia y aprendizaje para el éxito de todo el niño, todo el educador y toda la comunidad.

2023-24 Theme: We stand together to champion what is right and just for every student, staff, and family member that we serve. |
Tema 2023-2024: Nos unimos para defender lo que es correcto y justo para cada estudiante, personal y miembro de la familia a los que servimos.

Estamos formados por una comunidad dedicada que trabaja en colaboración para apoyar a los estudiantes a nivel académico, social y emocional con las habilidades y el carácter para lograr y tener éxito. Estamos comprometidos con la comunicación abierta, honesta y continua con toda nuestra comunidad, incluidos los estudiantes, el personal, las familias y otros miembros de la comunidad.

Los niños y los educadores integrales ayudan a construir una comunidad completa. 

We are made up of a dedicated community working collaboratively together to support students academically, socially and emotionally, with the skills and character to achieve and be successful. We are committed to open, honest and ongoing communication with our entire community, including students, staff, families, and other community partners. 

Whole children and whole educators help to build a whole community. 

House Bill 4082 will provide $30 million in funding for summer programs across the state. Central School District has submitted an application for its share: $710,000.

"If we are able to hire staff to implement expanded programming, we estimate serving over 485 students, grades pre-kindergarten through 12th grade," said Julie Heilman, Executive Director of Teaching and Learning. That's four times the number of students summer programs typically serve in the district. Read the full story here.