Central School District 13j
Bad weather in the forecast?
Learn about the Long Range Facilities needs
Message from the Central School District Board of Directors
As we begin our meeting this evening, we want to take a few minutes to talk about the values, vision and goals we’ve built together as Central School District 13J.
This is our most important work together – promoting the safety and well-being of every student, every family, and every staff member we serve. They depend on each of us aligning to our district values and upholding our policies and mission.
We know that not all of our students, families and staff are feeling safe and welcomed. We have policies and procedures we will continue to follow, we continue to monitor all legal developments and hold ourselves responsible for implementing. Every student in our district must receive the very best education in a welcoming and safe environment. Every staff must actively support these policies/procedures that create a safe space in our schools for all students, families, and staff.
Should an immigration official come to one of our buildings, the Superintendent and/or Executive Director of Human Resources will take the lead in working with officials. As with anything, we will continue to follow state and federal law while providing our students with the best education possible.
We believe in Building an inclusive culture of belonging and learning for the success of the whole child, whole educator, and whole community.
We are committed to:
Engaging, supporting and preparing our students, as a whole child, to be successful in their endeavors. We know that students show up their best when they feel safe, accepted, and valued.
Families engaged in their child’s education. This means every family is welcomed, supported, safe and valued when they come into our buildings.
We are committed to our Staff, their safety and the purpose we share with them – that each student feels safe, accepted and valued.
Strong community partners to cultivate a safe, healthy, prosperous, and inclusive community.
Mensaje de la Junta Directiva del Distrito Escolar Central
Al comenzar nuestra reunión esta noche, queremos tomarnos unos minutos para hablar sobre los valores, la visión y las metas que hemos construido juntos como Distrito Escolar Central 13J. Esta es nuestra labor más importante en conjunto: promover la seguridad y el bienestar de cada estudiante, cada familia y cada miembro del personal que servimos. Ellos dependen de que cada uno de nosotros se alinee con nuestros valores distritales y cumpla con nuestras políticas y misión.
Sabemos que no todos nuestros estudiantes, familias y personal se sienten seguros y bienvenidos. Tenemos políticas y procedimientos que continuaremos siguiendo, continuamos monitoreando todos los desarrollos legales y nos responsabilizamos de implementarlos. Cada estudiante en nuestro distrito debe recibir la mejor educación en un entorno acogedor y seguro. Todo el personal debe apoyar activamente estas políticas/procedimientos que crean un espacio seguro en nuestras escuelas para todos los estudiantes, familias y personal.
En caso de que un funcionario de inmigración llegue a uno de nuestros edificios, el Superintendente y/o el Director Ejecutivo de Recursos Humanos tomarán la iniciativa de trabajar con los funcionarios. Como con todo, continuaremos siguiendo las leyes estatales y federales mientras proporcionamos a nuestros estudiantes la mejor educación posible.
Creemos en construir una cultura inclusiva de pertenencia y aprendizaje para el éxito del niño completo, del educador completo y de la comunidad completa. Estamos comprometidos con:
Comprometer, apoyar y preparar a nuestros estudiantes, como un todo, para que tengan éxito en sus esfuerzos. Sabemos que los estudiantes se presentan de la mejor manera cuando se sienten seguros, aceptados y valorados.
Familias involucradas en la educación de sus hijos. Esto significa que cada familia es bienvenida, apoyada, segura y valorada cuando llega a nuestros edificios.
Estamos comprometidos con nuestro personal, su seguridad y el propósito que compartimos con ellos: que cada estudiante se sienta seguro, aceptado y valorado.
Socios comunitarios sólidos para cultivar una comunidad segura, saludable, próspera e inclusiva.
Grad rates show resiliency of Class of 2024
ODE releases 2023-24 graduation rates
Central students in the Class of 2023-24 graduated at a higher rate than students in the year 2022-23. The Oregon Department of Education released graduation rates today which shows Central had a 78.4 graduation rate last year. The 5-year completer rate was flat, 85.6 for 23-24 compared to 84.8 (22-23).
The four-year cohort graduation rate is an increase over the prior year, when grad rates dipped to 76.4 percent, and still not at pre-pandemic levels. The board and district's goal is 90 percent of students graduating with their four-year cohort. Looking at the graduation rates since 2018-2019 (81.06), the data for the class of 2024 shows that we are going in the right direction.
To read more, click here.
Las tasas de graduación muestran la resiliencia de la clase de 2024
Los estudiantes de la generación 2023-2024 del Distrito Central se graduaron a un ritmo más alto que los estudiantes del año 2022-2023. El Departamento de Educación de Oregón publicó hoy las tasas de graduación, lo que muestra que el Distrito Central tuvo una tasa de graduación de 78.4% el año pasado. La tasa de finalización de 5 años se mantuvo estable, 85.6% para el 2023-2024 en comparación con 84.8% (22-23).
La tasa de graduación de la cohorte de cuatro años es un aumento con respecto al año anterior, cuando las tasas de graduación cayeron al 76.4 por ciento, y aún no se encuentran en los niveles pre-pandemia. La meta de la junta y el distrito es que el 90% de los estudiantes se gradúen con su cohorte de cuatro años. Si observamos las tasas de graduación desde 2018-2019 (81.06%), los datos de la graduación de 2024 muestran que vamos en la dirección correcta.
Central School District 13J Mission Statement | Misión
Building an inclusive culture of belonging and learning for the success of the whole child, whole educator, and whole community. | Construir una cultura inclusiva de pertenencia y aprendizaje para el éxito de todo el niño, todo el educador y toda la comunidad.
Building an inclusive culture of belonging and learning for the success of the whole child, whole educator, and whole community. | Construir una cultura inclusiva de pertenencia y aprendizaje para el éxito de todo el niño, todo el educador y toda la comunidad.
2024-25 Theme: We plant seeds for learning; grow student success; harvest wins; and
celebrate bright spots for all students and each other. |
Tema 2024-2025: Sembramos semillas de aprendizaje; cultivamos el éxito de los estudiantes; cosechamos éxitos; y celebramos los logros de todos los estudiantes y los de unos a los otros.
celebrate bright spots for all students and each other. |
Tema 2024-2025: Sembramos semillas de aprendizaje; cultivamos el éxito de los estudiantes; cosechamos éxitos; y celebramos los logros de todos los estudiantes y los de unos a los otros.
Carruth Incident
This week we learned that Carruth Compliance Consulting, the third-party administrator of Central School District’s 403(b) and 457(b) retirement savings plans, discovered suspicious activity on its computer systems on December 21, 2024 (the “Carruth Incident” or “Incident”). Carruth reported that an investigation revealed that sensitive employee data for Carruth’s clients, including Central School District, was affected. Carruth’s customers include many Oregon school districts, ESDs and other organizations.
For more information, click here.
PowerSchool Data Incident
Last week we learned that PowerSchool, a provider of cloud-based software, providing services to over 60 million students and over 18 thousand educational organizations, experienced a data security incident (“PowerSchool Incident” or “Incident”). Central School District is a customer of PowerSchool and was notified that its current and former students, educators, and parents and guardians of current and former students may have been affected by the PowerSchool Incident.
A ransom payment was made to a threat actor (TA) to mitigate the risk of further unauthorized disclosure of the stolen information. On Tuesday, January 8, 2025, Central School District was notified that its current and former students, educators, and parents and guardians of current and former students may have been affected by the PowerSchool Incident.
PowerSchool stated that it will provide credit monitoring to “affected adults whose SSN was impacted.” PowerSchool also stated that it will provide identity protection services to “affected minors.”
For more information, click here.